Au Marché en Provence

The ritual of going to the market in Provence is one that never grows old. It is inspiring in the best ways: visually, the color palette shifts with the seasons; the backdrop of Aix-en-Provence (here) unfolds gracefully with the changing months as well...the plane trees in the market square unfurl in the spring months with a verdant green and provide shade in the thick sun of summer; for cooking, the market is pure inspiration. I often go just to be inspired for what to make for dinner. The best stands' fruits and vegetables are all marked with "de chez nous" (grown at ours)...everything local.

Quintessentially spring in Provence: fresh peas, fresh garlic and bursting red strawberries.

Tomatoes have begun in Provence! The warm color palette declares summer days are only a breath away.

The beauty of artichokes...

And the month of May brings peonies...perhaps the most sumptuous of all the flowers.

I always make a stop at Maison Weibel in Aix-en-Provence (also in the market square), because who can resist this kind of indulgence and beauty? Not to miss if you make your way to Provence.